Welcome to our Springwood Family Centre which has provided education and childcare for children from 2 to 12 since 2006 and includes both nursery and out of school provision.
Welcome to our Springwood Family Centre which has provided education and childcare for children from 2 to 12 since 2006 and includes both nursery and out of school provision.
Social Media
Opening Hours
Term dates are in line with NCC term dates. The nursery is closed for:
- All bank holidays
- Three training days a year
- Between Christmas & New Year (exact dates to be confirmed at the beginning of the year).
About Springwood
Our Springwood nursery is led by Matthew Foulkes who joined Mr Bee’s Springwood in April 2008 as an Apprentice, continued his professional development at our North Lynn and gained his BA Hons Degree in Childhood Studies and Early Education the Summer of 2020, returning to Springwood as the Centre Lead in 2021 where he leads the a team of highly qualified and experienced Early Years Practitioners who aim to ensure that each child attending the Springwood centre receives the highest quality care.
Our Staff
Centre Lead
Lead Practitioner
Early Years Playworker
Lisa R
Early Years Practitioner
Early Years Practitioner
Early Years Practitioner
Karen B
Early Years Practitioner
What We Offer
We offer:
- 2 year old funding: 15 hours per week (If eligible)
- 3/4 year old funding: 15 hours per week / 30 hours per week (If eligible)
- Out of School Provision: Breakfast, after school and holidays for 4 to 12 years (Registered with Big Norfolk Holiday) – occasionally ran from our North Lynn or St Augustine’s Centre.
Our Rooms
A place where you can:
- Build and construct
- Imagine
- Explore
Also includes:
- Malleable / Messy Area
- Mark Making
- Music
- Sand and / or Water
- Small World
- Cosy area
- Let’s Get Physical area
- Story Area
Busy Bee
A place where you can:
- Imagine
- Create
- Relax
- Most of all – be yourself.
Access & Special Features
Mr Bee’s Springwood is in the back playground of Springwood High School.
Access by Car: there is designated parking outside the school gates between 8:00AM and 4:30PM. Access to school parking (not the playground) is available between 7-8am and 4.30pm to 6pm during the term time and all day during the school holidays.
Walk-in access: available via Queensway—when gates are closed during school times, and you will have to buzz to get in. Access is also available at the bottom of Springwood High School field (Queen Elizabeth Avenue, off Wootton Road) between 7 to 9.15 am and 3.15 to 4.30 pm.
Nursery and Out of School Club Children can be collected and delivered from St Martha’s and Gaywood Primary schools at the start and end of the school day. A meet and greet for nursery children can also be arranged from Gaywood Community School and St Martha’s—there are limited
spaces and prompt meet and greet time is essential.
Special Features
Our Springwood Centre is within walking distance of Reffley Woods, local playground and has access to the high school playing fields. It is close to the Queen Elizabeth hospital and ideal for working parents at the hospital.